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How to Meditate: Meditation 101 for Beginners
10 Science-Backed Benefits of Meditation
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How to Meditate: Meditation 101 for Beginners
10 Science-Backed Benefits of Meditation
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Discover the many benefits of learning how to access deep relaxation.
Whether done during the day or as a sleep practice, Yoga Nidra gives your brain & body what they need to function, heal, and focus.
Learn how to feel at ease, safe & grounded, no matter what’s going on around you.
Yoga Nidra can help you connect with your inner self, promote healing, and experience a greater sense of inner peace and wellbeing.
Break free from restless sleep that leaves you feeling drained and exhausted each morning. Experience waking refreshed & energized.
Learn about setting intentions, down-regulating the nervous system, and addressing limiting beliefs.
This immersion will allow you to practice Yoga Nidra in 7 different ways, discover what works for you & build on your experience to increase benefits.
Discover the profound insights of Kelly Boys through exclusive recordings of 2 community Q&A sessions.
Immerse yourself in thought-provoking journaling exercises following every session to cultivate a deeper understanding and engagement with the practice.
Deepen your understanding of Yoga Nidra and meditation, capture insights, respond to journal prompts, and develop a regular practice that supports your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Receive 2 additional sleep meditations guided by Kelly to help you relax deeply, release stress, and fall asleep.
2-hour masterclass with Kelly
During the masterclass, Kelly will guide you through six important steps:
This masterclass is the perfect opportunity to learn how to overcome anxiety, loss, and stress while connecting with a community of supportive individuals.
Lesson 1: Relaxation
Though many people start Yoga Nidra as a way to help them improve the quality of their sleep, Yoga Nidra is also a proven technique for non-sleep deep rest, or NSDR. This session focuses on the benefits of relaxation through the practice of Yoga Nidra.
The practice has been shown in clinical studies to:
Kelly will walk you through a gentle practice so you can experience these benefits for yourself, followed by a journaling reflection at the end.
Lesson 2: Purpose
This meditation focuses on clarifying one's purpose and heartfelt mission through the practice of Yoga Nidra. The Sanskrit word Sankalpa is introduced as a resolve, something that one dedicates themselves to.
The practice involves:
Kelly will guide you through the session, a Yoga Nidra practice, and a journaling reflection at the end.
Lesson 3: Core Beliefs
While many mindfulness practices ask us to let go of our thoughts and beliefs, Yoga Nidra is unique in that it sees core beliefs as important messengers that carry information that can help us achieve inner freedom, be more integrated, and be less run by old stories and psychological conditioning.
By discovering and working with these core beliefs, we can heal and transform. The lesson also discusses techniques to work with core beliefs, such as dialoguing with them and listening for their messages.
Lastly, it emphasizes how our beliefs were formed when we were young and how they can continue to drive us unconsciously if left unquestioned.
Kelly will guide you through the session, a Yoga Nidra practice, and a journaling reflection at the end.
Lesson 4: Acceptance
In this session, the focus is on acceptance — a foundational principle in meditation often misunderstood and misused.
The lesson explores the meaning and purpose of acceptance:
Kelly will guide you through the session, a Yoga Nidra practice, and a journaling reflection at the end.
Lesson 5: Anxiety
This session focuses on working with anxiety and how Yoga Nidra can help to manage it.
You’ll learn how anxiety manifests and how turning toward it with curiosity and kindness while down regulating the nervous system through Yoga Nidra can help to heal anxiety.
You’ll also learn specific techniques used in Yoga Nidra to help manage anxiety, such as body sensing and breathing practices.
(It’s important to note that if you are experiencing prolonged, extreme anxiety, it’s a good idea to seek help.)
Kelly will guide you through the session, a Yoga Nidra practice, and a journaling reflection at the end.
Lesson 6: Transitions
Life is full of so many transitions — moving away from home, attending school, partnership, parenthood, new jobs, divorce, aging, illness, grief and loss.
Some transitions are wonderful, others are unwelcome or painful. And in each case, we are faced with uncertainty, loss of control, and moving into uncharted territory. This session focuses on transitions and how Yoga Nidra techniques can help people cope with unknown and potentially challenging situations.
Transitions can be destabilizing and bring about feelings of vulnerability, fear, and grief, but they can also be opportunities for growth and transformation. The practice of Yoga Nidra helps individuals let go of external identities and develop inner spaciousness to be available for the horizon of new possibilities.
The session includes heart space breathing and an exploration of the identities that may be falling away, inviting contemplation on letting go and opening to what's new. Regular practice of Yoga Nidra can aid in moving through transitions, gaining rest, and resetting dopamine levels.
Kelly will guide you through the session, a Yoga Nidra practice, and a journaling reflection at the end.
Lesson 7: Sleep
Yoga Nidra is a form of meditation that allows the body to enter a deep state of sleep while still being in a meditative state.
In addition to practicing good sleep hygiene (turning off devices, limiting caffeine, having a consistent routine, etc.), a regular Yoga Nidra practice can help you to:
Receive two additional guided meditations with Kelly that you can use anytime to help calm mind and body and release stress for deeper relaxation and better sleep.
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Two hours of essential Yoga Nidra teaching from Kelly Boys.
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The ultimate 4-week Yoga Nidra journey. Experience transformative growth through this self-paced program.
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Deepen your Yoga Nidra practice with 7 transformative lessons.
With a Mindfulness Plus+ Annual Membership, you can get this course and more for FREE.
This immersion is for people who would like to achieve deep states of relaxation and navigate difficult emotions with more ease.
Kelly Boys is an author, mindfulness trainer, and consultant who specializes in NSDR (non-sleep deep rest) practice called Yoga Nidra.
Kelly teaches around the world through the UN. She has offered trauma-sensitive NSDR/Yoga Nidra classes for incarcerated veterans, and has worked extensively in the field of trauma sensitive mindfulness.
I joined the immersion for better sleep and helping with finding my purpose but learned so much more. Her meditations will guide you to heal from a place of wholeness and ease.
In just 4 weeks, I learned skills to keep my nervous system regulated throughout the day. More importantly, I’m slowly unlearning lifelong limiting beliefs and I am happier than I’ve ever been.
Kelly Boys is hands down the best. Everytime I click on one of her guided meditations I get excited for the calmness that lies ahead.
It has helped my anxiety and stress so much, I am so thankful I gave it a shot.
My entire inner & outer physical being is definitely at ease & slightly relieved of some of the sufferings I've carried.
I was particularly taken by the course by Kelly Boys. It was superb and struck me very deeply.
Setting intentions
This involves recognizing your inner resources and wholeness to envision a life you want.
Whether you’re awake or getting ready for sleep, you’ll have anytime-access to proven techniques that ease tension, balance the nervous system, and calm body & mind.
Working with emotions
Instead of resisting, Yoga Nidra can help you work with challenging emotions so you don’t get stuck — freeing you up to tap into more joy and ease.
Working with your mind
This practice can show you how to interact with thoughts, images, and memories in a way that heals old wounds and offers freedom.
Addressing limiting beliefs
Yoga Nidra can help you notice the automatic beliefs that have been holding you back and release them for greater inner freedom.
Even when stressful things are challenging us and need our attention, there is a deep reservoir of inner peace inside that is based on a solid, joyful foundation rather than one built on stress… Yoga Nidra gives us the practical means for quieting mental ruckus and opening our heart for this to happen.
More restful sleep
Reduced stress & anxiety
Deeper relaxation
Better mood & energy levels
Scientific studies have shown that Yoga Nidra-based techniques can help people access states of restorative relaxation, improve focus and mood, and enjoy each moment to the fullest. In addition, Yoga Nidra is proving to be one of the most powerful techniques for improving quality and duration of sleep.
Here are some of what these studies have discovered:
From world-renowned experts
Internationally Renowned Mindfulness Teacher, Best Selling Author of Radical Acceptance and True Refuge
"Kelly Boys offers a fresh and illuminating take on how to step out of lifelong patterns that keep snagging us."
Psychologist, best-selling author, Senior Fellow, Greater Good Science Centre at UC Berkeley, USA
"Kelly Boys explores powerful new science about the important things we miss each day — and the simple, practical things we can do to see the good news about ourselves and the world that’s right under our noses."
Founder, The Center for Compassion at Stanford University, Bestselling author of Into the Magic Shop: A Neurosurgeon’s Quest to Discover the Mysteries of the Brain and the Secrets of the Heart
“Kelly Boys shows us our blind spots and by doing so allows us to truly see. When we truly see, everything changes for the better.”
Experience a calmer nervous system, finally recover from lost sleep, and achieve a restorative relaxation that rejuvenates mind & body.
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Two hours of essential Yoga Nidra teaching from Kelly Boys.
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The ultimate 4-week Yoga Nidra journey. Experience transformative growth through this self-paced program.
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Deepen your Yoga Nidra practice with 7 transformative lessons.
With a Mindfulness Plus+ Annual Membership, you can get this course and more for FREE.
You can take part in this Immersion anytime. As soon as you make payment, you will get lifetime access to the Immersion content and you can do it at your own pace.
You can access all the content of this immersion on your computer. As soon as you make payment, we will email you instructions on how to access the content everywhere.
No, you do not need any previous experience with Yoga Nidra or meditation to participate in this Immersion. Our program is designed to accommodate both beginners and those who are already familiar or experienced with Yoga Nidra & meditation. We will provide guidance and support throughout the immersion to help you deepen your practice, regardless of your level of experience.
The Immersion is self-paced, but we recommend dedicating 1-2 hours per week to cover the lessons, workbook, and reflections to achieve a deeper transformation. However, the amount of time you choose to devote to the immersion ultimately depends on your personal schedule and goals. We encourage you to create a schedule that works best for you and allows you to fully engage with the material and practices provided.
To participate in the Yoga Nidra Immersion you will need only a few basic items:
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