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Our 30-day money-back guarantee on any purchase from that you’re not happy with.

How it works?

We are here to make a positive impact on the world. We never want to sell you something that hasn’t helped you live a better life. That’s why if you’re unhappy with any purchase from us, you have 30 days to get a full refund and your money back.

If you subscribed to Mindfulness Plus+ and are unhappy with your purchase, please get in contact with us within the 30-day period and we’ll refund your purchase.

How do I get my refund?

If isn’t for you at this time, we understand. Just fill out this quick form, and we’ll make sure you get your refund.

Frequently asked questions

What's included in a subscription?
  • Unlimited days of Daily Mindfulness
  • Access to the entire Library including meditations, courses and talks from trusted mindfulness teachers and leaders.
  • Access to 7 to 30-day mindfulness courses from a range of teachers.
  • Unlimited access to curated topics such as Resilience, Anxiety, Learn Mindfulness, Happiness, Stress, Sleep and Relaxation, Self-Compassion.

Free 7-Day Trial

Get the support you deserve

Access over 2,000 easy-to-use mindful meditations and practices, and 100’s of mindful living practices you can do with your eyes open from breathing exercises to watching relaxing landscapes.


Bring balance into your everyday life.

We believe in a world where everybody has access to the life-changing skills of mindfulness.

  • 2,000+ Guided Meditations
  • Daily Coaching
  • Sleep Content
  • Mindful Exercises
  • Mindful Radio
  • 10+ Courses from world-class teachers

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