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How to Meditate: Meditation 101 for Beginners
10 Science-Backed Benefits of Meditation
What is Meditation?
How to Meditate: Meditation 101 for Beginners
10 Science-Backed Benefits of Meditation
What is Meditation?
Benefits of Mindfulness: Mindful Living Can Change Your Life
Mindfulness 101: A Beginner's Guide
This is a place where we are sharing real-life experiences from community members — both as a way to help you feel connected to people all around the world who are on the mindfulness journey with you, and also so you can see how regular, simple mindfulness practices are helping people deal with challenges, increase happiness, and improve their everyday wellbeing.
We’d love to introduce you to Jim, who wrote to us from Nottingham, UK. Keep reading to get his full story.
When you’re my age, you’ve seen a lot: births, deaths, marriages, children growing up, sad times, happy times. The list is endless, isn’t it? But hey, I got here!
Then came the pandemic. With all of its stresses, it also kickstarted a period of time when my wife and I stepped up our well-being. We became more active, taking daily walks, contacting friends and family we had not seen or spoken to for some time, even doing jigsaw puzzles.
When the lockdown ended, freedom came back. But I found myself getting anxious about what the next steps would be and what the future would hold.
By chance, I came across the app. It was a revelation. I now have the tools, techniques, and most importantly the support, advice, and guidance from a team of exceptional people, to help me put my mind at ease and focus on the here and now.
I am now in a much better place, both mind and body, with the skills and support I now use daily. My journey through life now continues with a new vigor.
I now begin the day with a guided meditation practice. It’s my “me time.” This work is a support that enhances my, and others’, well-being.
Take the leap of faith! You will either grasp it with both head and heart, or not, you can take a self award for trying either way it goes.
If Jim’s experience resonates with you, and you’d like some simple daily tools to help you deal with the anxieties in a world full of uncertainties so that you can build resilience and meet life with new vigor — then why not try for yourself?
Inside the app, you’ll find a wide variety of resources, from courses to meditations to mini-practices, that can help calm your body and mind, and help you cultivate a sense of inner strength to carry you through.
We believe in a world where everybody has access to the life-changing skills of mindfulness.